martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


Colonies: All the countries that used to be British colonies.

Napoleon: A French military and political leader who became very powerful during the French Revolution.

Welsh: Language which is spoken in Wales.

Defeat: The state of being beaten in a battle, competition, election, etc...

Wales: Is an independent area belonging to England.

Patting: Something you tap it or hit it lightly, for example, with your fingers.

Bloody foreigner: An expression to say that you don't like people coming from other countries.

Olive skin: Darker colour skin tone.

Zebra crossing: A place in which pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross.

Pale: Something that is pale is whitish and not strong or bright in colour.

Sun tanned: Coloured by the sun.

Sniffing: Draw in air through enough to make a sound, or to introduce something inside the nose.

"When in Rome, do as the romans do": "A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres".

The bee gees: A music group from Wales.

Peck: When you take only a small amount of food.

Related: Something that is connected or associated with another thing.

Brochure: A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information.

Baggage claim: An area in an airport where arriving passengers can collect the luggage that has been carried in the hold of the aircraft.

Camping: A place where tents, huts or other temporary shelters are set up.

Rest stop: Designated paved area beside a main road where cars can stop temporarily.

Mobile homes: A large trailer, fitted with parts for connection to utilities, that can be installed on a relatively permanent site and that is used as a residence.

Recline: To lie back or down.

-V.A.T: Value Added Tax, a tax levied on the difference between the cost of materials an the selling price of a commodity or service.

Luggage: Containers for a traveller's belongings.

Journey: The act of travelling from one place to another.

"Save and sound": "Sano y salvo".

Taking time off from working: Stop working temporarily.

Travel arragement: The things that you do before a journey.

Board: To enter or go aboard in an aircraft, for example.

Boarding  pass: A pass that authorizes a passenger to board on an aircraft.

Hostel: A supervised, cheap lodging place for travellers, especially for young travellers.

Mysterious: Something strange that don't have any explanation.

Haunted: A place, which is frequented or visited by ghosts. 

Dark: Lacking or having very little light.

Spooky: Something scary.

Gloomy: Something partially or totally dark.

Cemetery: A place where the dead are buried, normally near a church.

Shriek: A shrill and piercing cry.

Alley: A narrow street or passageway between or behind city buildings.

Spectre: A visible incorporeal spirit.

Moonlight: The light reflected from the surface of the moon.

Coward: A person that isn't brave.