domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013


State: it is made un up of institutions that organise the live of the people who live in the same territory. The laws ans powers are the same for everyone..
Sovereigntysupreme and unrestricted power.
Constitution: it is the collection of a country's fundamental laws.
Democracygovernment by the people or their elected representatives.
Monarchya form of government in which the supreme authority is the king or the queen of a state.
Dictatorshipa country ruled by a dictator or dictators.
Glogalisation: capital can move from one country to another without border restrictions.
Region: is a territory that usually has a strong economy and a well-defined social and cultural identity.
Cultural diversity: it exists between people as a result of education and a way of living or thinking.
Universal suffrage: it means that all citizens at voting age can participate in the elections.
Legislative power: it has to make and vote on laws; and control the government. It lies with the parliament.
Executive power: it has to execute the laws and set state policy. It lies with the government.
Judicial power: it has to apply the law and punish citizens who break it.
Supranationalbeyond the authority or jurisdiction of one national government.

Mass culture: process by which different cultures become more alike, ad local characteristics are gradually abandoned.
UN: United Nations. International organisation formed by almost every state in the world.
NGO: Non-governmental organisation. Entitie with humanitarian and social aims.
Civil servant: qualified worker that have passed an exam.
Justicethe quality or fact of being just.
Libertythe power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself.
Subsidiarity: the institutions closest to the citizens can make decisions.
Culture: it is the collection of common customs, knowledge and ways of living that a group of people recognise as their own.
Multiculturalism: the policy of maintaining a diversity of cultures within a community.
Interculturalism: it promotes the coexistence of different groups of human beings on tha basis that cultural relations enrich everybody.
Referenduma vote on such a measure.
Elections: process by which the citizes choose their representatives in the parliament.

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